Our Impact

Child Justice has served more than 3,500 people since our doors opened in 2013. Our goal is to improve the lives of domestic abuse and child abuse survivors, and help end the cycle of abuse.
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There is an underserved population in the United States generally and in Maryland specifically: Protective, non-offending parents in custody cases, who also are often victims of intrafamilial violence, and who need free legal services to assure safety and security for themselves and their children. These parents are often mothers with limited or no financial resources, and face steep challenges when they seek protection and redress for themselves and their children. Further, within this underserved population are other, even more vulnerable populations. These sub-populations include parents with disabilities, including but not limited to, mental health disabilities such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

In fiscal year 2024, Child Justice helped more than 600 protective parents and children, as they navigated the family court system, including direct services for more than 200 Marylanders.

Our clients are ethnically diverse, may speak limited English, and may be disabled or have children with a disability. 74% of our clients are female, 24% are male and 1% are transgender, non-binary or gender non-conforming.

Many of our clients have been financially devastated by the high cost of litigation and have no choice but to go to court to protect themselves and their children. Our top priority is the safety and protection of children and their non-offending protective parents, and we offer our services at no charge.

American adults grew up living with domestic violence as children.
Children are exposed to domestic violence every year.
Average number of child abuse reports received nationally every year.
Percentage of child fatalities that involve at least one parent.

Our Impact

Child Justice has served more than 3,500 people since our doors opened in 2013. Our goal is to improve the lives of domestic abuse and child abuse survivors, and help end the cycle of abuse.
There is an underserved population in the United States generally and in Maryland specifically: Protective, non-offending parents in custody cases, who also are often victims of intrafamilial violence, and who need free legal services to assure safety and security for themselves and their children. These parents are often mothers with limited or no financial resources, and face steep challenges when they seek protection and redress for themselves and their children. Further, within this underserved population are other, even more vulnerable populations. These sub-populations include parents with disabilities, including but not limited to, mental health disabilities such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

In fiscal year 2024, Child Justice helped more than 600 protective parents and children, as they navigated the family court system, including direct services for more than 200 Marylanders.

Our clients are ethnically diverse, may speak limited English, and may be disabled or have children with a disability. 74% of our clients are female, 24% are male and 1% are transgender, non-binary or gender non-conforming.

Many of our clients have been financially devastated by the high cost of litigation and have no choice but to go to court to protect themselves and their children. Our top priority is the safety and protection of children and their non-offending protective parents, and we offer our services at no charge.
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American adults grew up living with domestic violence as children.
Children are exposed to domestic violence every year.
Average number of child abuse reports received nationally every year.
Percentage of child fatalities that involve at least one parent.

Our Impact

Child Justice has served more than 3,500 people since our doors opened in 2013. Our goal is to improve the lives of domestic abuse and child abuse survivors, and help end the cycle of abuse.
There is an underserved population in the United States generally and in Maryland specifically: Protective, non-offending parents in custody cases, who also are often victims of intrafamilial violence, and who need free legal services to assure safety and security for themselves and their children. These parents are often mothers with limited or no financial resources, and face steep challenges when they seek protection and redress for themselves and their children. Further, within this underserved population are other, even more vulnerable populations. These sub-populations include parents with disabilities, including but not limited to, mental health disabilities such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

In fiscal year 2024, Child Justice helped more than 600 protective parents and children, as they navigated the family court system, including direct services for more than 200 Marylanders.

Our clients are ethnically diverse, may speak limited English, and may be disabled or have children with a disability. 74% of our clients are female, 24% are male and 1% are transgender, non-binary or gender non-conforming.

Many of our clients have been financially devastated by the high cost of litigation and have no choice but to go to court to protect themselves and their children. Our top priority is the safety and protection of children and their non-offending protective parents, and we offer our services at no charge.
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American adults grew up living with domestic violence as children.
Children are exposed to domestic violence every year.
Average number of child abuse reports received nationally every year.
Percentage of child fatalities that involve at least one parent.

Our Impact

Child Justice has served more than 3,500 people since our doors opened in 2013. Our goal is to improve the lives of domestic abuse and child abuse survivors, and help end the cycle of abuse.
There is an underserved population in the United States generally and in Maryland specifically: Protective, non-offending parents in custody cases, who also are often victims of intrafamilial violence, and who need free legal services to assure safety and security for themselves and their children. These parents are often mothers with limited or no financial resources, and face steep challenges when they seek protection and redress for themselves and their children. Further, within this underserved population are other, even more vulnerable populations. These sub-populations include parents with disabilities, including but not limited to, mental health disabilities such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

In 2022, Child Justice helped more than 400 protective parents and children, as they navigated the family court system, including direct services for more than 200 Marylanders.

Our clients are ethnically diverse, may speak limited English, and may be disabled or have children with a disability. 74% of our clients are female, 24% are male and 1% are transgender, non-binary or gender non-conforming.

Many of our clients have been financially devastated by the high cost of litigation and have no choice but to go to court to protect themselves and their children. Our top priority is the safety and protection of children and their non-offending protective parents, and we offer our services at no charge.
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American adults grew up living with domestic violence as children.
Children are exposed to domestic violence every year.
Average number of child abuse reports received nationally every year.
Percentage of child fatalities that involve at least one parent.

Our Resources

Each year, family courts sentence 58,000 children to live with parents who are abusive, negligent or predatory. Hundreds of times a year, a child’s life ends at the hands of an abusive parent, an entirely preventable tragedy. Far too often this happens because our legal system, for a variety of reasons, isn’t equipped to identify, understand and adjudicate cases where domestic violence and child abuse are present. Child Justice works with protective mothers, protective fathers, and their children to prevent these tragedies. Our number one priority is the safety of children.

Below are a few stories from the families Child Justice has helped. To protect the identity of our clients, names and/or details of their cases may have been changed.


The stories behind the families we help.
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The stories behind the families that we help.
Each year, family courts sentence 58,000 children to live with parents who are abusive, negligent or predatory. Hundreds of times a year, a child’s life ends at the hands of an abusive parent, an entirely preventable tragedy. Far too often this happens because our legal system, for a variety of reasons, isn’t equipped to identify, understand and adjudicate cases where domestic violence and child abuse are present. Child Justice works with protective mothers, protective fathers, and their children to prevent these tragedies. Our number one priority is the safety of children.

Below are a few stories from the families Child Justice has helped. To protect the identity of our clients, names and/or details of their cases may have been changed.
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The stories behind the families we help
Each year, family courts sentence 58,000 children to live with parents who are abusive, negligent or predatory. Hundreds of times a year, a child’s life ends at the hands of an abusive parent, an entirely preventable tragedy. Far too often this happens because our legal system, for a variety of reasons, isn’t equipped to identify, understand and adjudicate cases where domestic violence and child abuse are present. Child Justice works with protective mothers, protective fathers, and their children to prevent these tragedies. Our number one priority is the safety of children.

Below are a few stories from the families Child Justice has helped. To protect the identity of our clients, names and/or details of their cases may have been changed.
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The stories behind the families we help.
Each year, family courts sentence 58,000 children to live with parents who are abusive, negligent or predatory. Hundreds of times a year, a child’s life ends at the hands of an abusive parent, an entirely preventable tragedy. Far too often this happens because our legal system, for a variety of reasons, isn’t equipped to identify, understand and adjudicate cases where domestic violence and child abuse are present. Child Justice works with protective mothers, protective fathers, and their children to prevent these tragedies. Our number one priority is the safety of children.

Below are a few stories from the families Child Justice has helped. To protect the identity of our clients, names and/or details of their cases may have been changed.
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