Today is Giving Tuesday, a global day of giving that makes an incredible impact on charity organizations like Child Justice. Across the world, generous people like you are giving to causes they care about. Last year, $2.7 billion was given to nonprofits across the United States!
As you make your gifts today, we hope you will remember Child Justice. 2023 is going to be a full year and our team will be ready to jump into action. There will be children in need of legal intervention to protect them from abusive parents, protective orders to file, issues to research, cases to argue, and experts to retain. The sad reality is domestic violence and child abuse exist in our communities. The holidays tend to amplify violence, and Child Justice will be there when protective parents reach out for help for their children.
Please join us.
Running a law practice is expensive - especially a nonprofit one. Our services are provided free of charge, and we are constantly seeking new funding sources.
Help protect children by making a tax-deductible donation today. Because all children deserve to feel safe at home.
Thank you for your support this holiday season.