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As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Child Justice relies on the generosity of our local community. You can support our work in a variety of ways. Join us and become part of the solution.
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At the intersection of criminal and civil law, a serious problem exists. Each year, up to 58,000 children in the United States are court-ordered into unsafe situations with abusive parents. Custody and access of children is widely ignored when victims of crime receive services. Due to this gap in services, 989 children (as of 6/2024) have been murdered in this country by a divorcing or separating parent since 2008 (when tracking of these crimes began). Of these child murders,139 are known to have occurred after a court ordered the child to have contact with the dangerous parent over the objection of a safe parent or caregiver. In Maryland, twenty-one children have lost their lives at the hands of a parent/caregiver - five of these deaths were due to a court making an unsafe order.

Since 2013, Child Justice has worked to protect Maryland children from unsafe and unsupervised access with a dangerous parent by providing free legal representation, support and resources to non-offending protective parents/caregivers. JOIN US.

We welcome solo practitioners, small firms, large firms, law students, local businesses and private individuals to join Child Justice as we work to protect our most vulnerable children.

  • Court watches hearings and trials.
  • Coordinates and signs on to amicus curiae briefs in state, federal and U.S. Supreme Court appeals.
  • Supports attorneys in litigation by providing information, legal research or referrals to experts.
  • Refers protective parents to community resources.
  • Offers emotional support for the non-offending parents and/or relatives.
  • Raises awareness regarding the gaps and failures of society's protection of children.

Join Us

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Child Justice relies on the generosity of our local community. You can support our work in a variety of ways. Join us and become part of the solution.
At the intersection of criminal and civil law, a serious problem exists. Each year, up to 58,000 children in the United States are court-ordered into unsafe situations with abusive parents. Custody and access of children is widely ignored when victims of crime receive services. Due to this gap in services, 989 children (as of 6/2024) have been murdered in this country by a divorcing or separating parent since 2008 (when tracking of these crimes began). Of these child murders,139 are known to have occurred after a court ordered the child to have contact with the dangerous parent over the objection of a safe parent or caregiver. In Maryland, twenty-one children have lost their lives at the hands of a parent/caregiver - five of these deaths were due to a court making an unsafe order.

Since 2013, Child Justice has worked to protect Maryland children from unsafe and unsupervised access with a dangerous parent by providing free legal representation, support and resources to non-offending protective parents/caregivers. JOIN US.

We welcome solo practitioners, small firms, large firms, law students, local businesses and private individuals to join Child Justice as we work to protect our most vulnerable children.

  • Court watches hearings and trials.
  • Coordinates and signs on to amicus curiae briefs in state, federal and U.S. Supreme Court appeals.
  • Supports attorneys in litigation by providing information, legal research or referrals to experts.
  • Refers protective parents to community resources.
  • Offers emotional support for the non-offending parents and/or relatives.
  • Raises awareness regarding the gaps and failures of society's protection of children.
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Join Us

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Child Justice relies on the generosity of our local community. You can support our work in a variety of ways. Join us and become part of the solution.
At the intersection of criminal and civil law, a serious problem exists. Each year, up to 58,000 children in the United States are court-ordered into unsafe situations with abusive parents. Custody and access of children is widely ignored when victims of crime receive services. Due to this gap in services, 989 children (as of 6/2024) have been murdered in this country by a divorcing or separating parent since 2008 (when tracking of these crimes began). Of these child murders,139 are known to have occurred after a court ordered the child to have contact with the dangerous parent over the objection of a safe parent or caregiver. In Maryland, twenty-one children have lost their lives at the hands of a parent/caregiver - five of these deaths were due to a court making an unsafe order.

Since 2013, Child Justice has worked to protect Maryland children from unsafe and unsupervised access with a dangerous parent by providing free legal representation, support and resources to non-offending protective parents/caregivers. JOIN US.

We welcome solo practitioners, small firms, large firms, law students, local businesses and private individuals to join Child Justice as we work to protect our most vulnerable children.

  • Court watches hearings and trials.
  • Coordinates and signs on to amicus curiae briefs in state, federal and U.S. Supreme Court appeals.
  • Supports attorneys in litigation by providing information, legal research or referrals to experts.
  • Refers protective parents to community resources.
  • Offers emotional support for the non-offending parents and/or relatives.
  • Raises awareness regarding the gaps and failures of society's protection of children.
Make A Donation

Join Us

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, Child Justice relies on the generosity of our local community. You can support our work in a variety of ways. Join us and become part of the solution.
Hundreds of times a year, a child’s life ends at the hands of an abusive parent, an entirely preventable tragedy. Far too often this happens because our legal system, for a variety of reasons, isn’t equipped to identify, understand and adjudicate cases where domestic violence and child abuse are present.

A childhood marked by trauma often means a future marked by depression, risky behaviors and continued victimization. Children are losing out – children are dying – it’s time to stop the problem NOW.

We welcome solo practitioners, small firms, large firms, law students, local businesses and private individuals to join Child Justice as we work to protect our most vulnerable children.

While our legal representation is limited to Maryland, we don’t stop there. Child Justice also:

  • Court watches hearings and trials.
  • Coordinates and signs on to amicus curiae briefs in state, federal and U.S. Supreme Court appeals.
  • Supports attorneys in litigation by providing information, legal research or referrals to experts.
  • Refers protective parents to community resources.
  • Offers emotional support for the non-offending parents and/or relatives.
  • Raises awareness regarding the gaps and failures of society's protection of children.

Make A Donation

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Never miss an important update or piece of news from Child Justice! Stay up to date with upcoming events, conferences, blog articles and more when you sign up for our monthly e-newsletter. Subscribe to our mailing list now by by clicking here. (We promise not to share your personal information or spam you, either!)

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